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7 reasons why you should participate in Inktober 2017

Inkto… what?

Inktober it is the initiative created in 2009 by illustrator Jake Parker.

It is starting every October and during the next 31 days artist from all around the globe creating ink illustrations, which you surely will find on social media soon. In this way, this autumnal, inconspicuous month has become somehow fete of all artists and illustrators, those who are professionals and those who do it for passion. Your skills don’t matter, more important is creativity, fun, regularity and…ink

The ink does not have to be the only medium you can use, but it is the only one you have to.

Jake Parker started this challenge with the intention of exercise his ink drawing skills and introduce the habit of everyday drawing to his routine.

Now, from the same reasons, thousands of artists join him with their nibs, fine liners, pens and brushes.

Would you to?

Inktober Rules

Jake Parker lists only 4 rules:

Inktober rules by Jake Parker
Inktober rules by Jake Parker


Now the ‘only thing’ you should do is do this 31 times and you will finish with the thick bundle of drawings by the end of the month!

Jake also posted the Official Inktober Prompt List. You can use it, or, if you prefer to be unlimited, create your own!


Inktober 2017 prompt list by Jake Parker
Inktober 2017 prompt list by Jake Parker

That is why even if you don’t believe you can do 31 illustrations in 31 days I will try to convince you, it is worth to take the challenge and I will give you…

7 reasons why you should participate in Inktober 2017

  1. every day drawing is progressYou will draw every day – or you will be trying, at least. There is no better way to improve your drawing skills than everyday exercises, even if each will be only 30 minutes long. It isn’t really so important if you will finish with a fulfilled sketchbook or with only 5 drawings. You always will be better thanks to these 5 works than before.
  2. ink can be your friendYou will make friends with ink – if you aren’t acquainted with this medium it is a great occasion to give it a try! Even if you do mainly digital art and do not touch pencils and paints – trying a different media is always refreshing and inspiring. We all evolve by trying new things and experience with traditional media is very precious, in digital painting also (I know what I am talking about, I love to use both). Our eyes are opening wider and our perspective is bigger when we are playing with new techniques.
  3. community of artistsYou will become the part of Inktober community – the community is created by artists of any kinds with: big names, and those who put their first steps in art. There is no matter how and what you draw, where are you from and what skills you have. You can participate in this challenge with all these people, watch their works, exchange experiences, make new connections.
  4. chance for being noticedIt is a chance for being noticed – Inktober hashtags are very popular! A lot of people will be watching them in October so don’t forget to use them! It will help you make new connections and will increase interest in your creations on social media. Artist love to view how other creatives approach the same topic. But all is happening in the very friendly atmosphere, so don’t afraid!
  5. time only for drawing practicesYou will spend time only on drawing – not on drawing in a meanwhile, or on a boring lesson. Systematic drawing teaches us that the inspiration or impulse isn’t necessary to make a good drawing. So maybe we wasting a lot of time just waiting for it?
  6. freedom and creativityIt is an occasion to draw whatever you want! Every occasion is, you can say. But if so, why do you draw for yourself so rarely? There is always something more important to do: some home stuff, or client commission. Inktober is just for you! You can free your imagination and draw whatever you want. It is your time to grow!
  7. inktober is funDo it because it is really a good fun!

I found 7 reasons, but I am sure you can find more. What else pros participating in the challenge can have? Let me know in comments

Inktober bits of advice:

  • don’t worry if you will miss the day or two, or 22. It will be still worth to try! But remember, if you want to see your progress you should draw as much as you can
  • if you know right now, that you will be not able to draw every day (just few can) make decision you will create 10 illustrations this month (it will be 4 drawings a week) or 4 (1 a week). Don’t spend hours on detailed illustrations, do sketches instead – they often are much more popular on Instagram than finished masterpieces ?
  • you should draw something today, but it didn’t work out? Don’t give up everything and do it in a first free moment you will have. There is always another day! Unless it is November already ?
  • if you don’t like ink and black&white stuff, remember – nowhere is said that the drawings should be black and white only. You can use color inks, watercolors, color pencils, crayons, pastels, alcohol markers, collage…Play with it! Or challenge yourself to do something completely different than usual!
  • you will see tons of gorgeous illustrations, which will make you want to draw more and more. But often comparing yourself to other artists (especially more experienced ones), instead of a kick of energy, can bring you down. I know you will think how much work you have to still put in to achieve this level and that seems to be so far away perspective… Guess what? There will be always somebody better than you. I see such a great artists every day and I must live whit it ? Of course, it is overwhelming, but the only solution is – getting better every day, so get yourself together and get back to work! Compare your first from Inktober illustrations with the last one. And this is the only comparison you should do ?
  • tell others about taking a part in Inktober on your Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/whatever account – public declaration will be stronger motivation to complete the task
  • find someone who will take a part in Inktober with you – a friend or someone who you don’t know yet but you know that he/she would like to join the challenge. It is easier to keep commitment together. And maybe you will find a new great friend?

So take your art tools and get ready to fight! It will be inky, it will be artsy, it will be a fun…

It is Inktober time!

Feel free to share links for your Inktober works under this post I will be happy to see it!

If you want to know my Inktober plans – I invite you to drop by on my blog on Monday – I will tell (and show) them in the next post ?