I am Kamila Stankiewicz – an illustrator. I live in Poland.
I love cinnamon rolls! And also: create, draw, paint, animate, learn and discover new ways to transfer ideas, dreams and dreams into visual language. I draw at work and after work. My favorite techniques are watercolor, gouache, and digital painting. I am becoming more and more attracted to the 3D world.
I have been working as a full-time illustrator since 2009. I mainly do illustrations for books, comics, and animation for children and young people, but I like new challenges! I hope to be able to illustrate my ideas one day. Unfortunately, there are plenty of them!
What I like most is to create illustrations with a pinch of magic, transporting you to fantastic worlds, or on the contrary to completely ordinary ones, but whose atmosphere makes you want to stay there.
I consider the most successful works to be those that evoke feelings: of curiosity, amusement, nostalgia, peace, happiness, anxiety and even sometimes fear. Have I mentioned that I love horror movies about ghosts?
Among my greatest inspirations are nature, fairy tales, folklore, culture and art of the late 19th century, landscapes of the Polish countryside, mysterious paths of childhood. Any reason is good to draw some magical creature 🙂
In illustrations I am attracted to stylization, play of light and color, elegant, flowing lines and arabesques.

I invite you to find these themes in my portfolio.
Check my digital brushes and coloring pages on Etsy!
You can also find me on Instagram as @st.kamila (st. as a short dorm of the surname, not the saint – yet 😉
If you have your own idea and you think my illustrations will be a good fit for it, feel free to contact me.