New year, new plans…
Yes, but what about old ones?
I often rewrite old goals for the next year. And you? Are you an achiever? Or maybe don’t like to plan at all?
I am planning geek. I work as a freelance illustrator so good organization of work is a must! I don’t have problems with setting my goals, change them on task and put it to proper places in my work schedule. And then – make it happen. And I really good at it. But not when it comes to personal projects, unfortunately.
What are all these plans for?
There was a time when I didn’t make any plans at all. Probably because I didn’t want to fill disappointed when I couldn’t execute them. I thought that floating with drift is a better way, and if something exciting will happen on the way – that will be a pleasant surprise.
But surprises not always are enjoyable. Especially when they are random.
That is the reason why I try to set my goals and direction of my ship on the ocean of life…
Ok, ok – it is more a canoe than a ship on a Baltic Sea, not the ocean, but still, I like to know where I am going and setting the curse by myself, not by accident. That is why I take a few moments from time to time to sit and wonder: what I want from myself, from others, from my work and form world in general.
Sometimes it is so easy to find answers, sometimes I have to dig a bit. Some other time I just don’t have any idea. In such cases one question always helps me:
What I do not want to do for sure?
I am a person who is good in complaining, so I don’t have a problem with finding answers to these questions. And it is enough 🙂
It is easier to construct my plans on such a base. So I set goals, break them on small tasks and set the dates when they should be completed.
But I always plan them too many! And my projects are always in the queue, after my work.
When I summarize my last year achievements and finished projects the list with unfinished ones is much, much longer. It is longer every year…
You can find there:
- making a porcelain ball jointed doll
- Â learn how to sew
- a short animation movie
- a picture book (written and illustrated by me)
- comics based on old Polish fairytale about a vampire princess (Strzyga)
- a novel for teenagers – not very sophisticated, but very catchy (why not!)
- a shop with my art prints
- my stickers, scrapbooking papers, and stationery designs
- interesting youtube channel with useful tutorials and tips
- a lot of brilliant blog posts 😉
- learning Unity and making my own game (this is not a realistic one, probably)
- creating music on a semi-professional level (I can do it in Garage Band so far ): DDD
- my own wallpaper and textile patterns
- wooden doll houses!
- making handmade stamps!
- shadowbox illustrations (I loved making them, but they need a lot of time to be made)
- big watercolor paintings!
- online courses (animation, illustration, character design, concept art!)
I am not in half of my list… So you can see, there is crowdy! No wonder I couldn’t do it all!
My achieved goals list is much shorter, and the podium belongs to my work projects. Probably limited time force us to choose only the most important of them. Often it is hard to guess, which of them is valuable and significant, and which we should forget about. The reality throws at us with so many not irrelevant but urgent tasks. So we put our dreams on the shelf. When we finally find a bit of time we notice that they are covered with dust, summer is over, December has gone and we rewriting them on the new year goals list…
This is what I was doing on the last weekend of 2018. And I felt I badly want to smuggle just one of them for my ‘Win’ list at least. I decided it will be a…
This project was moved from month to another trough whole 2018.
I thought it will be difficult and time-consuming. But I just opened MailerLite and just made it. It took me about a day to set everything right (I hope it is right – if not, please let me know!)
One year of thinking – one day of actually doing it…
In most cases, over-thinking doesn’t work. It is easier to just realization of our plan and see what happens. Often we will end up with a completed task. At the cost of other important and less important things.
What can you find in my newsletter?
For the good beginning of 2019 you can download a printable watercolor calendar for January and January coloring page. You can print it and do whatever you like with it. Only one restriction: non-commercial use, please.
You can count on a new calendar and coloring page just before the beginning of every new month. Plus:
– info about new and planned posts
– some tips and tricks
– more printable freebies
If you like to visit me here – please, subscribe to my newsletter and let me know if you like it. Maybe there is something more, you wish to find there?
It will be very valuable to me!
In 2019 I wish you a lack of fear and excuses, a lot of energy to start and finish your plans. And an ability to decide, which of them are the most important.
How has your summary of 2018 gone? What are your success and fails?
Please, share with me one the most important goal for 2019!